35-Day Supply FAQs_v5

A woman reviews the labels of her supplements and vitamins to check if they could interact with her prescription medication.
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Take action to continue to get the medication you need.

We’re here to help.

Starting January 1, 2025, Express Scripts® Pharmacy home delivery will no longer fill most prescriptions for a one-month supply or less. This includes at least one prescription that you recently filled with us. It’s important that you take action to keep getting the medication you need.

Frequently asked questions

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What options do I have to fill my prescription?

Talk to your doctor and ask if a longer supply is right for you. If so, they can send us a new prescription for a three-month supply. If your plan allows, you can switch to an in-network retail pharmacy to get a one-month supply. They can fill your shorter supply quickly. The fastest way to fill your prescription is to have your doctor send a new prescription to an in-network retail pharmacy.

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What if I need to start a new medication with a one-month supply or less, but then switch to a longer supply later? Will I be able to use Express Scripts® Pharmacy?

Yes. Once you switch to a longer supply, you can use Request an Rx and we will reach out to your doctor for a new prescription. However, the fastest way to get your medication is to ask your doctor to send a new prescription electronically to Express Scripts® Pharmacy.

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Are there any programs to help me pay for my medication if I switch to a longer supply?

Yes, Our extended payment program lets you pay over three months instead of paying the full amount at once. Each monthly payment is automatically processed using your selected payment method — and you pay no interest or service fee. To get started:

  1. Log in.

  2. Choose the payment method you would like to enroll in the extended payment program, or add a payment method to continue.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Select Enroll in autopay from the information panel that appears.

  5. Choose 3 Monthly payments if you see it listed (if you don't see it, then it's not offered for your plan).

  6. Agree to the terms and conditions.

  7. Click Save.

  8. A message will confirm your enrollment in autopay.

  9. If you click Edit under the now enrolled payment method, 3 Monthly payments will now be selected.

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Will the cost of my medication change if I switch to an in-network retail pharmacy?

In most instances, moving your shorter-term prescription to a retail pharmacy won’t cost more. You may even see some savings, especially if you’re taking a brand name medication. To get an exact cost, contact your preferred in-network retail pharmacy and ask them to give you a price for your medication using your pharmacy benefit. Use the Find A Pharmacy tool to locate a pharmacy near you. You can also use the Price A Medication feature to research costs.

Retail Pharmacy

Why is a retail pharmacy better for filling short-term prescriptions?

Most patients filling shorter-term prescriptions are new to therapy and are trying a new medication or dose of medication to see what works best for them. During this time, it may be necessary to change medications, request partial fills, or increase/decrease the amount of medication. Our robust network of more than 65,000 retail pharmacies are better suited to care for you in this situation. They can quickly adapt to your changing and developing needs as you work with your doctor to decide on an approved, long-term therapy. Once you are on a long-term therapy that is working for you, it's the ideal time to change to the convenience of home delivery.

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What about medications I receive through Accredo, your specialty pharmacy? Are they affected?

No, medications dispensed by Accredo are not a part of this new policy.

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Why is Express Scripts® Pharmacy making this change?

Our core strength is supporting patients who are stable on long-term maintenance medications. This change allows us to dedicate our skills in medication management and proactive pharmacist counseling to those patients who are stable in their therapy and need guidance around medications that they’ll be taking for the long term. Additionally, our home delivery model is set up to support longer-term fills, and offers services such as automatic refills and extended payment plans, which ensure that patients have medications shipped to their homes when they need them.